JLI: Decoding the TalmudJoin Rabbi Vaisfiche on journey, to discover the intricate world of the Talmud; its history, authors and contents - and experience it yourself. 6 Wednesday evenings - Starting February 5thregister here
Adult Bat Mitzvah MilestoneTuesday evenings | 7:00 PMMore Info
Hebrew SchoolRegistration for 2024-25 in NOW OPEN! Sign up your child for an immersive Jewish Learning experience! At our Hebrew School Judaism comes alive with hands on activities!more information
Lunch N' Learn Torah Studies SEASON 4Applying the weekly Torah portion to contemporary life. Wednesdays at 12:00 pm at the Jewish Learning CenterRegister & more info
Planned GivingLeave an eternal legacy to the Jewish Community. Remember Chabad in your will.More Information
Chabad of Scottsdale provides synagogue services, spiritual guidance, community outreach
and education to inspire all Jews to discover their common bond of Jewish faith and
observance. We do this according to the Chabad Lubavitch philosophy of Ahavat Yisrael with
unconditional love and concern for every Jew, regardless of religious background or
Chabad of Scottsdale's numerous programs and activities provide the education and means to
promote Jewish knowledge, awareness and practice to experience our Jewish heritage
connecting us to our past, present and future.
Chabad of Scottsdale encourages positive action on the part of each Jew and offers its
educational programs to all Jewish organizations, synagogues and groups in its efforts to
increase Jewish knowledge and observance.
“I was in the midst of the exile, on the river of Kevar.” (Ezekiel 1:1)
(Kevar is the Hebrew word for “already.”)
At the onset of the exile, Ezekiel sat on the bank of a river called “I heard that already.”
It is a river so cold, it can make icicles from fiery sparks of wisdom.
It is a river of exile. Because it is a lie.
Wisdom never says, “I heard that already.”
When you truly hear, when you absorb wisdom deep...