Laughter is the best medicine.jpg

Rabbi Abba Perelmuter, noted speaker, historian, and comedian developed his exceptional humor to counter his own background as a child of Holocaust survivors.

Jews have used humor to cope with difficulties throughout history.

(As the culture of a more serious world has surrounded us, we have forgotten that the way to G‑d is through humor and laughter. The Baal Shem Tov turned around the Jewish world and brought the joy back into our lives and service of G‑d.)

Now scientists have discovered that laughter increases blood flow and endorphins in our brains.

Examine Judaism’s approach to creating happiness through spirituality, in your relationships, your career, and with your kids.

He entertains with his unique Jewish wit, but also shows how to tear down the walls between people and develop a lighthearted approach to solving some of life’s painful issues. Get ready to laugh your worries away.

Registration Form

First Name


Last Name


Number of People

Admission Adult: $25 l At the door: $30
Child: $12 l At the door: $17
Number of Adults: Number of Children:
Sponsor opportunities:

$1,800 $1,300

$1,000 $770

$540 $360

CC Type Card Number
Billing Address City, State, Zip
Charge Amount Exp Date

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