Child's Name Birth Date |
Mother's Name Father's Name
Mother's Phone Father's Phone
Home address |
Medical and Developmental Form |
Does your child have any medical, developmental or behavioral issue that we should know about? Describe: |
Please list any medication your child is taking on a regular basis:
Does your child have any allergies towards food or medication?
Does your child have need for an epi-pen?
Yes No |
If yes, please provide a current epi-pen and written permission to administer to Hebrew School at the beginning of the school year |
Medical Emergencies |
I authorize the director or director's designee to seek appropriate medical care for my child, if necessary. |
A. In case of emergency, when neither parent can be reached, give names of two people who will take responsibility for your child:
Emergency Contact 1 |
Emergency Contact 2 |
Name |
Name |
Home Phone |
Home Phone |
Business Phone |
Business Phone |
Address |
Address |
City |
City |
Relationship to Student |
Relationship to Student |
B. If parents cannot be reached and emergency medical advice is needed, permission is given to the Hebrew School staff to phone my child's doctor: |
Doctor |
Phone |
Address |
City |
Hospital Affiliation |
C. In case of medical emergency requiring immediate emergency care, I authorize the paramedics to take my child to the nearest hospital if necessary. It is understood that I will hold Chabad of Scottsdale Hebrew School harmless for the nature and outcome of any emergency medical treatment. It is also understood that I leave the decision of what constitutes an emergency to the sole direction of the staff (please sign) |
Mother's Initials |
Date |
Father's Initials |
Date |